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UK Success with grade 1 to 5 20 books

RM 168.00
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Success with grade 1 to 5 20 books

Size 22x28 cm, each book 64 pages, 3 kg
Success with Reading Comprehension,
Success with Grammar
Success with Math
Success with Writing
4sets and 20 workbooks altogether comes with answers

This series of workbooks contains multiple exercises to improve children's math, reading and writing skills in all aspects.

Each workbook comes with wonderful illustrations, that able to explain at a glance, and provide good guide to your children.

Your children can improve in all aspect with this set!

Each practice page reinforces a specific, age-appropriate skills as outlined in one or more of these standardized tests: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, California Tests of Basic Skills, California Achievement Test, Metropolitan Achievement Test, and the Stanford Achievement Test.

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