UK usborne what's all about series 5 Books
UK usborne what's all about series 5 Books
4 Books 96 pages
1 Book 288 pages
What's chemistry all about?
An approachable introduction to what chemistry is, how it works and why it is vital to everyday life. Topics include: the periodic table, atom structure and radiation, and the scientific method, all illustrated with humorous illustrations and diagrams. With simple experiments to aid learning and internet links to recommended websites to find out more.
What's physics all about?
Discover why things fall to the ground, how sound travels through walls and how many wonderful inventions exist thanks to physics in this lively, informative guide exploring what physics is, how it works and why it is vital to everyday life. Covers all the main topics including forces, electricity, magnetism and astronomy - all illustrated with humorous drawings, cartoons and diagrams. Includes simple experiments and internet links to recommended websites to find out more.
What's biology all about?
A fun and informative guide that shows what life is, how it works and why biology is more exciting today than ever before. Topics include characteristics of life, the human body, plants, evolution, ecology and the scientific method, all illustrated with humorous pictures and diagrams. Includes topical issues such as new discoveries, how the work of biologists can help protect the planet and stem cell research. With simple experiments to aid learning and internet links to recommended websites to find out more.
What's maths all about?
A fascinating book about maths and its role in our lives. Discover what numbers are, how they help describe the world around us, and find out how brilliant mathematicians have changed the world. With humorous illustrations help to bring to life the history of mathematics and famous mathematicians. Covers a wide range of maths topics, including algebra, geometry, charts and statistics.
What's science all about?
An accessible and informative guide to physics, chemistry and biology, how they work and how they apply to everyday life. Covers all the key science topics including electricity, the periodic table and the human body. Includes simple experiments and internet-links to recommended websites to find out more. Illustrated with humorous drawings, cartoons and diagrams.